Piece submitted by GreenJinn, the cashback app for everyday groceries
We have gone QR crazy.
QR codes were first invented all the way back in 1994. We’re sure even the team who created the first QR code would be shocked to see how they have taken over the globe.
We’ve always been fans of QR codes here at GreenJinn, and they are part of our GreenJinn Treasure feature. However we weren’t expecting to see pop up everywhere in the last few years, from in windows, graffiti on the floor and to how we order our drinks at pubs.
We can think of some amazing examples of QR code usage (other than the brands that we work with). Earlier this year, Coinbase broke the internet when their 60 second ad showed nothing more than a QR code bouncing around on screen.
So Why is Everyone Using QR Codes?
The cost of digital marketing is ever-increasing. Let’s face it, the cost of everything is up.
QR codes allow businesses to share more information without taking up room on their media. They can send a consumer directly to a product page, interacting with the media. They make the consumer journey easier. Thanks to Covid, QR codes are something that we have become accustomed to.
However, we see so many brands either not using them at all when they would greatly benefit their media or not utilising them to their best potential.
How Best to Use QR Codes at GreenJinn
QR codes need to have a clear CTA. There is no real benefit sending people to your website just to ‘find out more’. We also cannot use QR scans as the only metric to grade success.
At GreenJinn we use QR codes with our tech ‘GreenJinn Treasure’, to give a consumer a tangible call to action from the media with an in-store (or online) coupon. Brands can attribute offline sales to advertising campaigns and make their media work harder. GreenJinn Treasure helps illustrate a brand’s media performance as well as an understanding of a consumer’s journey upon scanning the QR Code. So utilising this often-online tool within an offline approach.
A quote from our Head of Business Partnerships, Vincent Murray “QR Codes have definitely been helping to create powerful posters for the brands we have been working with. Our partner brands have been running proximity OOH near to retailer stores and we’ve been plugging our coupon technology into the QR Codes.
We give the consumer a tangible call to action coupon incentive to pop into the store and pick up a product.
We believe businesses should use media to drive awareness but QR codes give an incentive that engages consumers. We can learn about the demographic of the consumer that has engaged and purchased; ability to retarget and ultimately drive sales and product trial.”
One thing for sure… QR codes are definitely here to stay.
Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by Daniel Tannenbaum, Founder of Pheabs