If your rent is due in a few days and your paycheque is late, you can get same-day cash to help you cover the cost. You can pay off the cash loan when you reach your next paycheck or choose to pay in monthly instalments for up to 5 years. Pheabs works with lenders across Los Angeles to help you get money as quickly as possible to deal with a cash emergency.
You can submit a form for your loan completely free and without leaving the house. Using Pheabs will get your request out to lenders across LA giving you the best chance of securing that loan, and fast!
We’re a broker not a lender, but we’ll still make sure that the loan is affordable. Even if you don’t have a perfect credit history, we’ll try to help.
Read more: Los Angeles, CA|
The Right Fit
We only work with reputable lenders, so we know they are lending responsibly. We’ll search our panel of lenders to find the right loan for you.
Read more: Los Angeles, CA|
Soft search will not impact your credit score
We offer soft search loans that will check of the basis of your credit record but not leave any visible footprint.
Read more: Los Angeles, CAIs A Payday Loan In Is A Payday Loan In Los Angeles The Right Option For Me?
At Pheabs, we want to make sure that borrowers understand whether a payday loan product is the right option for you. You should first check if you are eligible for a payday loan. In order to submit a form, you must be a U.S. resident and over the age of 18. You are also required to have a stable income, earning a minimum of $800 per month. Don’t forget — you must have a live checking account for your Los Angeles payday loan to be paid into.
Los Angeles payday loans are meant as a temporary solution when you’re in a tight spot. They should not be relied on as a solution to long-term financial needs. We also advise you only to take a payday loan in California if you are sure that you can pay it back on time. Repaying the cash advance on time will help you get on the right financial track. Failing to meet repayments could cause an increased interest rate and may affect your credit score.
How Do I Submit A Form For A Payday Loan In Los Angles?
You can submit a form for a payday loan with Pheabs to find options from lenders around Los Angeles. The form for a payday loan in Los Angeles can be done entirely online, takes just a few minutes, and gives you an instant decision. You don’t even have to leave your sofa. Just do it all from your laptop or smartphone. When you submit a form, have your details on hand, like your phone number, address, email, and checking account information. Choose how much you need to borrow from $100 up to $35,000 and how long you need to borrow it for.
How Do Repayments Work?
There is flexibility in how you repay a payday loan. If you only need money to tide you over until your next payday, you can opt for a short-term loan. This will let you borrow for 2-4 weeks, giving you time to get you next cheque. You will then pay back the loan in one full repayment. If you need longer to repay the money you can borrow for up to five years. This will allow you to repay in equal instalments each month.
Before submitting a form for a payday loan in Los Angeles, make sure to check if you will be able to afford the repayments. In the case that you are unable to repay your LA payday loan, interest may be added. Not repaying your loan on time may also affect your credit score.
Will Submitting a Form for an LA Payday Loan Affect My Credit Score?
There’s no need to worry, submitting a form with Pheabs will not affect your credit. Your form will not leave any visible footprint on your credit record, damage your credit score in any way, or affect your chances of being approved for future loans. Your credit rating may only be affected if you are unable to repay your Los Angeles payday loan.