Payday loans in San Antonio are a simple way to access emergency cash for short-term financial problems. We all come across unexpected bills from time to time that we are unable to afford, but Pheabs is here to help you when you need it. If you live in San Antonio, You can get an efficient and fast payday loan. Submit a form for a payday today and get a decision in minutes. You could have the money in your account just one hour after being accepted.


We’re a broker not a lender, but we’ll still make sure that the loan is affordable. Even if you don’t have a perfect credit history, we’ll try to help.

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The Right Fit

We only work with reputable lenders, so we know they are lending responsibly. We’ll search our panel of lenders to find the right loan for you.

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Soft search will not impact your credit score

We offer soft search loans that will check the basis of your credit record but not leave any visible footprint.

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At Pheabs, we believe that everyone should be able to access payday loans for emergencies. There are a few requirements to be eligible for a payday loan in San Antonio. You must be a US resident and over 18 years old. You also need to have a US bank account and a steady source of income. A payday loan shouldn’t be used to solve long-term financial problems, but they are a good option for short-term issues. Never use a payday for unnecessary spending or making repayments on other loans.

You can submit a form for a loan in San Antonio with Pheabs. We offer a fully online experience to find that right loan for you. We do the hard work for you and search through direct lending companies across San Antonio. There’s no reason to drive down to your local storefront when you could just submitting a form online with no fees. Submit a form today for an instant on-screen decision.

Even when we budget carefully or stick to monthly financial plans, there can always be unforeseen expenses that catch us off guard. When you use Pheabs, you can select any amount between $100 and $35,000. The money will be paid to your bank account in one lump sum the same day!

Consider how much you need to borrow to help you through your difficult financial circumstance. It’s best to make sure that you don’t borrow too much or too little for your needs. Always take into account the quantity of your income to determine how much you can responsibly repay before accepting a loan.

Think about how long you want to borrow money for and whether you want to pay on your next payday or in instalments. You can also choose a repayment period that suits you. You can select a payday loan in San Antonio from 2 weeks up to 5 years. If you get a short-term loan, you can repay the money 2-4 weeks later in one final repayment. This will allow you some time to reach your next payday.

Yes, you can also repay your San Antonio payday loan in instalments. You can choose to get a longer-term loan and borrow the money for up to five years. This allows you to break up the loan into chunks to be paid back in equal monthly instalments. You are also always able to repay your payday loan early to save money on interest.

If you have a bad credit score, you can still get a payday loan in San Antonio. Pheabs welcomes people with all credit histories. If you have already been turned down by a bank due to bad credit, you should still submit a form for a payday loan with us, and we hope to help find the right loan for you. A payday loan in San Antonio could be a great option to get your finances in check.