When you face an urgent cash emergency, submitting a form for an emergency loan with your bank may just not be quick enough. Pheabs is here to help with same day payday loans available in Iowa now. A bank may take days or weeks to finalize your payday loan request. And, if your inquiry isn’t approved, you’re back at square one. Get started with Pheabs from anywhere in Iowa today and get a decision on your loan in minutes!


We’re a broker not a lender, but we’ll still make sure that the loan is affordable. Even if you don’t have a perfect credit history, we’ll try to help.

The Right Fit

We only work with reputable lenders, so we know they are lending responsibly. We’ll search our panel of lenders to find the right loan for you.

Soft search will not impact your credit score

We offer soft search loans that will check of the basis of your credit record but not leave any visible footprint.

We all want the security of feeling that we are making a wise financial choice. A payday loan is usually applied for when an unexpected expense has appeared, and you need the money quickly to resolve the problem. To make sure a payday loan in Iowa is the best option for you, first consider:

Have I looked at alternative options? It is best to check other options to get the cash you need and look at alternatives such as borrowing from family and friends.

Do I know how much I need? If you don’t have an alternative way to source the funds, you must make sure to know how much money you need. Only borrow what is necessary even if you qualify for a higher amount. 

Am I borrowing for the right reasons? Make sure that you are using a payday loan as it is designed to be used. You should only use a payday loan in Iowa when you have a cash emergency. They can help you cover costs if there’s still time to wait before your next payday. Never borrow for a night out on the town or a shopping trip. 

We’ll do our best to get your Iowa payday loan into your bank account as soon as possible. Most people searching for a payday loan are in an urgent financial situation. Whatever circumstances you are facing, home repairs, increased monthly bills or a late paycheck, completing the short online form is the first step in the right direction. To get your payday loan in Iowa as quickly as possible, have your bank details ready to go.

Our online loan request process is designed to be quick and takes just a few minutes to complete. We work with lenders from all across Iowa to find you funding. You’ll see instant decisions from lenders around Iowa on your loan request. Once accepted, the loan will be paid into your bank account the very same day in one lump sum. Wherever you live in Iowa, you can get a fast and efficient payday loan. Your loan could arrive in your account in as little as one hour!

When you request a payday loan in Iowa with Pheabs, you can select any amount between $100 and $35,000. It’s best to make sure that you don’t borrow too much or too little for your needs. If you are facing an unexpected expense, it is essential that you cover the cost sufficiently. But, if you choose to borrow more than is necessary, you may find yourself unable to meet the repayments. When considering your request, lenders in Iowa only perform a soft credit check so inquiring will have no effect on your credit rating.

You can decide the repayment terms that suit you for your payday loan in Iowa. You don’t have to repay it in full on your next payday. Many people in Iowa choose to repay them in monthly instalments, up to five years. This longer-term payday loan option breaks up the repayment into smaller chunks and could make repaying the loan more manageable. Remember to look carefully at the repayment terms and your income before accepting a loan to make sure that you will be able to meet the payments on time. If you don’t pay back your payday loan on time, interest may be added, and this could affect your credit score. 


Our loans request process could help you take out a payday loan for $100 to $35,000 in Iowa. Click on any of the “Get Started” buttons throughout this page to be taken to our loan submissions form. Here, you’ll have to provide a few details about yourself, and about your borrowing needs, including the following:

  • How much you want to borrow.
  • How long you’d like to borrow the loan for.
  • Your employment status.
  • Your income (this must be at least $800 a month to be eligible).
  • Your expenditure.

Our online form can be completed in less than 5 minutes, after which you’ll get an instant decision on screen. Successful applicants can have funds transferred to their accounts in an hour, making Pheabs the perfect tool to help find suitable same day loans for you.

From Mason City to Burlington and beyond — Pheabs can help you find great Iowa payday loans to suit your needs.

Don’t stress if you have a bad credit score; you can still find a payday loan in Iowa. Pheabs accepts poor credit, and it is always worth using Pheabs to see if a lender in Iowas will approve your loan request. Even if you have already been turned down by a bank, Pheabs may be able to help you to get the cash you need. It’s hard when we fall short financially, but a payday loan could be the first step at picking yourself up and getting on the way to a healthier financial future. Get started today to get an instant decision on a payday loan from $100 to $3500.

How Much Can I Borrow With An Iowa Payday Loan?

You can borrow between $100 to $35,000 through an Iowa payday loan with one of our lenders

Am I Eligible For A Payday Loan In Iowa?

When applying for a payday loan in Iowa with one of our trusted lenders, you’ll have to meet certain eligibility criteria, including the following:

  • You must be a US citizen.
  • You must be over the age of 18.
  • You must be in stable employment with a stable income.
  • You must be able to keep up with the loan repayments.

Pheabs also considers all different credit histories, meaning you may still be eligible if you have bad credit.

How Long Can I Borrow The Payday Loan For?

With our trusted lenders, repayment periods for payday loans in Iowa can go up to five years.

Will Pheabs Charge Me A Fee?

No, if you make a loan request with us, we will not charge you any fees. We work on a commission base with our lenders — this means we might get commission if your application is successful.