If you come across an unexpected cost between wages, a payday loan could be the best option to get the cash you need as quickly as possible. With a short term loan, you can borrow from $100 — $35,000 to cover an emergency bill until you can repay it at your next payday. Using Pheabs to find your payday loan in Maryland will get you results as quickly as possible. It will also send your request to lenders across Maryland, giving you the best chances of finding the loan you need, as fast as possible. You could see the money in your account within just one hour! Get started today to get on top of your finances.


We’re a broker not a lender, but we’ll still make sure that the loan is affordable. Even if you don’t have a perfect credit history, we’ll try to help.

The Right Fit

We only work with reputable lenders, so we know they are lending responsibly. We’ll search our panel of lenders to find the right loan for you.

Soft Search Will Not Impact Your Credit Score

We offer soft search loans that will check of the basis of your credit record but not leave any visible footprint.

If you request a loan through Pheabs, you can find a speedy payday loan in Maryland. Pheabs does the hard work for you and works with direct lending companies across Maryland to find you a loan.

We offer a fully online experience with almost instant decisions to make the process as straightforward as possible. There’s no need to leave the house or approach multiple lenders simply enquire online today and let Pheabs do the rest.

The online form is quick and can be done from the comfort of your own home. When requesting a payday loan in Maryland with Pheabs, you can get same-day funding for your financial emergency. Don’t waste time visiting your local loan lender and filling out paperwork or searching around for the best loan options. Get started with Pheabs online today with zero paperwork, and access payday loan options from direct lending companies around Maryland. If you are accepted, a lender will be in touch to get the money in your account as soon as possible. You could receive funds within one hour!

Getting a payday loan in Maryland with Pheabs is already efficient, but there are some tips to ensure the speediest process possible. The first thing you should do before requesting is check that you are eligible for a payday loan.

To avoid disappointment, make sure you meet the four main criteria for getting a payday loan in Maryland:

  • You must be over 18.
  • You are required to be a US resident.
  • You need to have a steady job, making at least $800 per month.
  • You need a checking account for the money to be paid into.

When filling out the online loan request, be sure to have your bank details on hand. The best time to send your enquiry is during work hours as this is when most loans are funded. It also advised to avoid national holidays. Once you’ve sent your request, make sure to remain available in case you are connected to provide follow-up information. If accepted, the loan could arrive in your account in as little as one hour.

Yes, you can still get a payday loan in Maryland with a poor credit score. Pheabs is willing to accept all credit scores, and requesting will not affect your credit. Whether you have bad credit or none at all, it is still worth enquiring with Pheabs. Don’t worry if you’ve already been denied by banks because of bad credit — filling out the online form will give you the best chance of finding a payday loan that works for you. A Maryland payday loan could be the best step in getting your finances in check and finally improving your credit rating.


You are not required to fully repay your payday loan on your next payday. Payday loans can be paid back when you get your next pay cheque, but many people in Maryland pay them back over several months, or even years.

This longer-term option is to help avoid being in a similar situation the following month when the loan is due to be repaid. Splitting the repayment into a few smaller chunks makes it more manageable, leaving more of your wages for you to live off. You can pay back your Maryland payday loan in equal monthly installments for up to five years. For more information, visit installment loans.

Pheabs offers payday loans across Maryland and Baltimore including large cities such as Columbia, Germantown, Waldorf and Silver Spring.


To be eligible for a loan with Pheabs, you will need to be over 18 years of age, a US citizen, in employment and earning a minimum of $800 per month. All customers must be earning a regular income and this will determine whether you can afford your loan, how much you can borrow and repay.

You will need to provide your SSN upon submitting your loan request and have a live checking account where the money can be sent to you if you are approved.

Pheabs will take a view on all credit histories, including bad credit and those looking for loans with no credit checks. We just require a minimum income and confirmation that you are currently in employment.

There are fast options if you are willing to go to a payday loan store in Maryland — or equally you can submit an online loan request with Pheabs.

If you are looking for a same day loan in Maryland, this is possible but not always guaranteed since we have to run some checks and the processing of funds can only be available on the next business day.

But do not fear, with an online and automated process, we can aim to have funds into your account as soon as possible.

Pheabs was set up in 2018 with a passion for helping Americans find the best payday loans and financial products for them. We understand that sometimes you need a few extra bucks to see you through the month, but finding a responsible and affordable loan is not always that straightforward.

We are proud to offer a fully online solution, with no upfront fees or impact to your credit record and we can instantly connect you with the payday lender who is most likely to accept your loan, at the best rates possible.

Once you click on get started now, the form provided by Pheabs asks a few simple questions including the loan amount you wish to borrow and how long for. You can find bad credit, short-term loans from $100 to $35,000, to be repaid over up to five years. We will ask for a few personal details, your employment information and your income as well as expenditure details. We understand that you’ll often need quick loan in an emergency, so we’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

As a broker and not a lender, we won’t pay the funds directly into your bank, but pass on your details to the lender we connect you with. We’ll search our panel of lenders to find the right fit for you, with the best interest rates. If approved, you could have the funds in your account in as little as an hour. So if you’re looking for a same day loan for people with bad credit, we may be able to help.